The success of an organization is often built on a large network of third parties supporting your business such as distributors, suppliers, joint ventures, R&D collaboration partners, tollers, agents or any other service provider. Of these third parties provide an organization with specialized skills, innovative products and/or services, access to new markets or new distribution channels but they also come with a unique risk profile. The challenge for an organization is to optimize its operations by the smart use of third parties while minimizing the multiple legal and reputational risks that can be associated with them, which can be very costly to remediate.

Have you ever asked yourself questions like this:  

  • What challenges do you face when implementing a third party risk management program?
  • How to define a risk based due diligence approach and design a risk model?
  • What kind of risk domains and what kind of third parties do you include in your third party risk management program?
  • Who within the organization is leading the third party risk management program?
  • How do you embed third party due diligence in operational processes?
  • Training your third parties?
  • How much data to collect and how much in detail do we need on third parties and their subcontractors?
  • The German Supply Chain Act ( “Lieferkettengesetz”) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: what is expected from companies and how do you implement it …..

Learn about expectations for a Third Party Risk Management Program – discuss with practitioners how to put it into practice.

This conference is aimed at practitioners working with Third Parties, that implement third party due diligence processes and controls in companies. It is about sharing and exchanging best practice, gather new ideas for your third party risk management process but also about expectations from regulators. Ask all the questions you wanted to address to your peers, get answers and be inspired on how a robust third party risk management process could look like.



Sharing and exchanging best practices during 20+ sessions.
